英検3級 単語選択練習問題


英語検定3級 単語の選択






●次の(  )内に入れるのに最も適切なものをの中から1つ選びなさい。

① A: Can you (  ) me your pictures of your Kyoto trip?
  B: Sure, here they are.

  1. return  2. take  3. paint  4. show

② A: Exuse me, but do you (  ) this type of bag in this shop?.
  B: Yes., Ma'am. That's over there..

  1. buy  2. have  3. give  4. change

③ A: She likes dogs very much.
  B: I know. She has a dog (  ) Susie at home.

  1. called  2. calls  3. calling  4. call

④ A: Mike, do you know (  )Merry lives?
  B: Year, she lives very far from here.

  1. what  2. when  3. where  4. why

⑤ A: Is Vancouver the capital of Canada?
  B: Well, I have no (  )

   1. key  2. idea  3. stamp  4. fan

⑥ A: Has your dad (  ) to Africa before?
  B: Yes, he went there last year, too.

   1. made  2. gone  3. been  4. went

⑦ A: (  )Hiroshi and Mayumi go to the same college.
  B: Oh, is that true?

   1. Both  2. Either  3. Among  4. Between

⑧ A: Do you know Jane pased that difficult exam?
  B: Year, I was so (  ) to hear that

   1, surprised  2. amazing  3. afraid  4. learned

⑨ A: How do you like this italian dessert, Martin?
  B: I hate to say this, but it's a little too (  ).

   1. thirsty  2. sweet  3. hungry  4. nervous

⑩ A: This river is dirty, isn't it?
  B: It was much (  ) ten years ago.

   1. dignity  2. danger 3. bright  4. dirtier


